Sunday, September 23, 2007

Did You Hear About The Time I Decided Not To Smoke Cigarettes?

Archie, Wayne and Barry were going to the Saturday matinee at the local theater. It was the typical double feature and a cartoon offering. The guys seldom missed a Saturday matinee when they were 12!

As was their habit, they did not walk along the street, but cut through on the path between two businesses. It saved them about three blocks on their journey.

The difference this day was that as they passed the fenced in gas meter of one of the businesses, they found that someone had left a pack of Winston cigarettes on the conrete half wall of that fence. There were 9 cigarettes and a book of matches. So the boys decided thay would experiment. Each of them was going to smoke three of the cigarettes, but Archie decided about two puffs into his first one that it did not taste good so he did noteven finish that one.

And he never took another puff for the rest of his life. He did not care how cool others thought it made them look, he thought it was dumb to do put something in his mouth that tasted so bad!

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