Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Did You Hear About My Questions About the Next President?

Archie Brown has some questions about who will be his next president. Here are some of his observations and wonderings:

If Hillary wins the nomination, and I believe she will, it will be an interesting November. Nearly fifty percent of voters will never vote for her, seeing her as the epitome of evil.

I am not at all sure who will be the Rep. nominee. I tend to think it will be the candidate with the most money, Mitt Romney. I do not see much appeal for him among the base of the party, nor for McCain or Rudy. So the election will hinge on the turn out of voters. Will Republicans hold their nose and vote for a nominee they don't care for just to keep Hillary out?

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Did You Hear About Blood Donations?

Archie Brown has been a blood donor for many years. It began when he was nineteen, coaching a teenage league baseball team in his home town. One of the thirteen year old boys contracted leukemia and transfusions. Archie took part in the local drive to collect blood for Jimmy.

He found out then that giving blood is easy and a vital gift to people in anxious moments. He has given at least four times a year for the past forty years. He is going again today, right in the middle of the holiday season. Archie knows that the need for blood is high during this time and the collection is slow because many are sidetracked by the Christmas spirit. Archie feels that it is all the more important for him to give in those times!

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

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