Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Did You Hear About Identifying and Developing Talent in Young People?

Here is another Archie Brown favorite story:

I have a friend who was the editor for Church & Family Magazine. His name is Dr. Howard Norton. He has been a missionary, a minister, & a university professor. I met him on the campus where he was teaching when my middle daughter was in college. She also worked in the office with Dr. Norton.

He and I have had something of a mutual admiration for each other. He has spent time in my home and is aware of my work and the amount of time I spend working with teenagers. And he has had contact with several young people that I have tried to help be spiritual, even in their youth.

One day, a year or so ago, I got a call at home from Howard. He told me he had an idea for an article for the magazine, and he thought I was the guy to write it. He said "can you tell folks how to identify and help develop talents in young people?"

I told him that was an easy question to answer. He said something like, "okay, lay it on me." I said "spend a lot of time with them and love them while you are there."

After a pause, Dr. Norton said, "put that in 600 words and send it to me." So I did, and he publihed it.

How would you have answered the question about how to identify and develop talent in young people?

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